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M.Phil / PhD Admission in Indian Universities and Institutions
Central Universities (CUs)
MPhil / PhD Admission: A PhD degree, also known as PhD is an abbreviation for “Doctor of Philosophy”. A Ph.D. is the highest academic degree awarded by universities in most countries. In the UK, a Ph.D. is referred to as a “Doctorate”. At some universities or institutions, including Oxford University, a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is known as “DPhil”. The postgraduate (PG) students have several options according to their subject of post-graduation or master’s degree. Sometimes, they can also enroll in interdisciplinary Ph.D. courses without any restriction of the subject of a master’s degree.
According to UGC’s notification, PhD degree is mandatory for direct recruitment for the post of Assistant Professors. But, the new criteria for the recruitment of an assistant professor will be effective from 1st July 2021. However, Masters degree with NET or Ph.D. will continue to be the minimum eligibility requirement for Direct Recruitment to the post of Assistant Professors in colleges.
Eligibility Criteria for M.Phil and PhD Admission:
The minimum requirement or the eligibility criteria for MPhil or Ph.D. admissions are the followings:
For M.Phil and PhD Admission:
For PhD Admission only:
Duration of M.Phil. and PhD Programme:
- M.Phil. programme shall be for a minimum duration of two (2) consecutive semesters / one year and a maximum of four (4) consecutive semesters / two years.
- Ph.D. programme shall be for a minimum duration of three years, including course work and a maximum of six years.
- Extension beyond the above limits will be governed by the relevant clauses as stipulated in the Statute/Ordinance of the individual Institution concerned.
- The women candidates and Persons with Disability (more than 40% disability) may be allowed a relaxation of one year for M.Phil and two years for Ph.D. in the maximum duration. In addition, the women candidates may be provided Maternity Leave/Child Care Leave once in the entire duration of M.Phil. or Ph.D. for up to 240 days.
Procedure for M.Phil. / PhD Admission:
1. All Universities and Institutions Deemed to be Universities shall admit M.Phil/Ph.D. students through an Entrance Test conducted at the level of Individual University/Institution Deemed to be a University. The University/Institution Deemed to be a University may decide separate terms and conditions for Ph.D. Entrance Test for those students who qualify UGC-NET (including JRF)/UGC-CSIR NET (including JRF)/SLET/GATE/teacher fellowship holder or have passed M.Phil programme. A similar approach may be adopted in respect of Entrance Test for M.Phil programme.
- decide on an annual basis through their academic bodies a predetermined and manageable number of M.Phil. and/or Ph.D. scholars to be admitted depending on the number of available Research Supervisors and other academic and physical facilities available, keeping in mind the norms regarding the scholar-teacher ratio (as
indicated in Para 6.5), laboratory, library, and such other facilities. - notify well in advance in the institutional website and through advertisement in at least two (2) national newspapers, of which at least one (1) shall be in the regional language, the number of seats for admission, subject/discipline-wise distribution of available seats, criteria for admission, procedure for admission, examination centre(s) where entrance test(s) shall be conducted and all other relevant information for the
benefit of the candidates. - adhere to the National/State-level reservation policy, as applicable.
3. The admission shall be based on the criteria notified by the Institution, keeping in view the guidelines/norms in this regard issued by the UGC and other statutory bodies concerned, and taking into account the reservation policy of the Central/State Government from time to time.
4. HEIs, as mentioned in Clause 1.2, shall admit candidates by a two-stage process.
Entrance Test: An Entrance Test shall be qualifying with qualifying marks as 50%. The syllabus of the Entrance Test shall consist of 50% of research methodology and 50% shall be subject specific. The Entrance Test shall be conducted at the Centre(s) notified in advance (changes of Centres, if any, also to be notified well in advance) at the level of the individual HEI, and
5. The interview/viva voce shall also consider the following aspects, viz. whether:
- the candidate possesses the competence for the proposed research;
- the research work can be suitably undertaken at the Institution/College;
- the proposed area of research can contribute to new/additional knowledge.
- The University shall maintain the list of all the M.Phil. /Ph.D. registered students on its website on the yearwise basis. The list shall include the name of the registered candidate, the topic of his/her research, name of his/her supervisor/co-supervisor, date of enrollment/registration.
Eligibility for CUET 2024
For more information about CUET 2023 go through CEUT Brochure
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